Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Subservient Nigerian

It is public knowledge that when you grow up in Nigeria, at a tender age, you learn things like; you have to respect your elders regardless of how undeserving they are, you have to greet everyone and if you come in contact before the day has progressed too far, you greet them by saying "well-done ". Some go as far as to greet for everything being done. If the person is sitting, "eku-ijoko" well-done for sitting down; if he's eating, "eku-jeun" well-done for eating.
In the same fashion, if an elder has done something wrong, it is considered respect to take it as part of life and some sort of growing process that teaches you that life isn't fair. And so in an average Nigerian, there's that inbuilt Subservient attitude where they feel like someone else is better than them because they're older or they're lighter skinned and if they're Caucasian, they're treated like Gods.
It is really sad to see Nigerians grovel and serve someone who under-pays them or treats then no better than sewer rats and yet they're able to find satisfaction in that situation.
I'll come back with a personal perspective on this but for now I have some ass kissing to do because at the end of the month that's where my 50,000(208$) wage is coming from.

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